Hi peoplez! I'm back! Here's a post I'm gonna do about Phuket!

The hotel room.
This is Kai Island.
The third day, we just went to a seafood restaurant at night. There were so many crabs and fishes in the mud. It's a bit disgusting.
The forth day, is the last day in Phuket! I wanted to ride the canoe ALONE but the guards won't let me cause I was below 18. So I just went to the kids club [KIV] and made a candle. But theyy gave me a special one cause it's my last day. I wrote the bugee a.k.a club car more than 7 times. It's fun. then my parents and me went to the pasar malam (Market) in Patong. My bro's didn't follow cause they waant to stay in the room. It was scary.Really. There were so many men posing as women.Sick.Then at night I saw two cute kittens and their mom. They're so cute! I rarely see cats in Phuket. Only dogs. Oh yeah and we saw a giant milipede.
And that was the end of my holiday in Phuket.
P.S - I am gonna "renovate" my blog. Effective right after you read this post.
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