I haven't been using my blog for quite a long time but I need to use it for a computer class assignment.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Monday, November 30, 2009

Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Kimchi and Unagi
I had two fighting fishes, unagi and kimchi, but then my guared killed kimchi. Unagi is the red - ishblack one and Kimchi is the blue-ish black one. I made a grave of kimchi. Ungai is actually starting to get lonely so i made a fake kimchi but i coloured it wrongly.

Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 4:05 AM 0 comments
Sorry that i haven't been updating my blog. At first i thought no one would read my blog anymore. Then i saw my friends reading my blog and they kept on askin me to update. So, since i have nothing to do I'm gonna update!I HAD THE URGE!!!!I LIKE CATS
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
When pigeons attack!
You know pigeons right? well in case you don't here's how you look like:
In the 1900s(not sure about the year), pegions are usually used to send mesagges to other people. But now in our time, pegions are different. They're more
- disgusting
- uglier
- more annoying
When I went to Australia I saw this place filled with pigeons. When all of them flew away, there was a lot of poop on the grass. There's also this one time where there's this statue of a man with a pigeon on top. And there it was....the poop of the pigeon on the victims head. My brother had an interview with the statue ( not really an interview ), here's the conversation:
Bro: So what do you think of becoming one of the victims of the PIGEONS!!1!
Bro: Great anwer! :D How do you feel when a PIGEON(DUM DUM DUUUM) just landed on your head and pooped without thinking about your feeling?
Statue:..........................................................(cricket sound)
Bro: Well thanks for answering our questions! have a nice day. Here have a 100 dollars ( actually just a piece of paper )
Statue: (Paper flies away and the statue had no reaction)
And that was how the interview went.....
Here's are pictures of the statue:

Thanks for reading :D
**Dayana's original**
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 2:53 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
To people from six Edison who is reading my blog,
If you are free at 16 of October around 4.30 could you please tell me coz i need to make a comfirmation for the movie. The movie gonna be Cloudy and the chances of Meatballs, I think. It's in 3-D :D .
Please SMS to this number: -----
P.S It's first come first serve. There is only about 16 chairs. If you are willing to share with your friends, it'll be great :D. Save up more space.
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 7:43 AM 0 comments
World Coffee : Dust Blanket Sydney
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hari Raya Tales :The story of a pink doll.

Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 2:51 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
I know i had done this before but i'm gonna do this again..
Remember that game where you have to find the difference. Of course you don't! Coz people haven't been visiting my blog coz i was busy for the past few months. SO this time i'm gonna post it again. This time the due date is at the 26 of September 2009. This time it's a bit different
How many differences can you find between the two pictures:-
Picture number one!
and here's picture number two!
The winner will have his/her name posted. You submit the answers in the cbox. Thanks
P.S- It's gonna be my b'day next Thursday :D
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
My Restaurant : Restaurant City : 18/09/09
This is my restaurant
Here is the bio for this restaurant:
Name: BlobCat's Variety
Level : 21
Popularity(max): 50.00
gourmet points:117245
Money :25167
Number of trophys: 8
That's all I could think of :D
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'm in skool now and we're allowed to play COMPUTER!......Right..I'm bord ..really..really bored. I'll make a post after 5.00 maybe.. BYE :D
P.SW I thnk I lost my reputation of having a great blog *sigh*
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 9:47 PM 0 comments
You know Facebook right? Facebook is for communicating with your freinds and strangers and take quizzes. But I don't do that.. I play the games! My most faourite one was a game called restaurant city::
Restaurant City is a game where you could decorate your own restaurant. You could trade ingreients with your friends and then level up your dishes. you can also make your own human! Some people make their humans strangely, look for yourself. But the best part of the game to look at other peoples restaurant and decorate their own restaurant and compete with your friends. And you could also grow you own ingredients. Maybe some time I could take a photo of my restaurant and give a summary of my restaurant.
This game is made from Playfish, the biggest sociable game makers!
Next coming up on Facebook games...
- Pet Society
- Country Story
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 2:39 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
I'm back!
Hi everybody! Now i have the time to update my blog almost everyday and now it's going to be a bit more different for every post i make i shall have pictures coz' I want my blog to be a bit more exciting and full of pics to make it interesting!
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 5:28 AM 0 comments