One Day, there was this pink doll which was given to me in 2008 if I'm not mistaken. This pink doll was a pink doll. Very pink that it was a pink doll. I named it....uh..actually I didn't give it a name so lets call it "pinky". So anyway, I hated pink so in a few weeks, since I hated pink, my mom gave it away to my father's side. Unfortunately for Pinky, there were no little girls to play with her.
Pinkie was really sad that she wasn't accepted and she was left in the storage. One night, my uncle got an idea. The idea involved Pinky. Pinkie's dream finally came true!(well not really).The next day, my uncle took Pinkie and tied her on her neck and hanged her on a tree, besides the goats so that she could "play"(shoo off/scare off) the crows and the goats. This year, I went to my uncles house and I saw her..on a tree. And a goat was baa-ing at Pinky. I was so proud of her because she finally could be used.(not really) THE END
Here's a picture of her:-
**Dayana's original**

Notes to reader: I am NOT cruel. At least she's playing with the crows! If u still think I'm's okay. If you want to, you can copy and paste this story but you MUST NOT say it's your own. You have to put **Dayana's original** and my blog's URL. Sorry , coz I just don't want anyone to steal my idea..
-Thanks :D
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