You know pigeons right? well in case you don't here's how you look like:
In the 1900s(not sure about the year), pegions are usually used to send mesagges to other people. But now in our time, pegions are different. They're more
- disgusting
- uglier
- more annoying
When I went to Australia I saw this place filled with pigeons. When all of them flew away, there was a lot of poop on the grass. There's also this one time where there's this statue of a man with a pigeon on top. And there it was....the poop of the pigeon on the victims head. My brother had an interview with the statue ( not really an interview ), here's the conversation:
Bro: So what do you think of becoming one of the victims of the PIGEONS!!1!
Bro: Great anwer! :D How do you feel when a PIGEON(DUM DUM DUUUM) just landed on your head and pooped without thinking about your feeling?
Statue:..........................................................(cricket sound)
Bro: Well thanks for answering our questions! have a nice day. Here have a 100 dollars ( actually just a piece of paper )
Statue: (Paper flies away and the statue had no reaction)
And that was how the interview went.....
Here's are pictures of the statue:

Thanks for reading :D
**Dayana's original**
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