Yesterday night, I was having dinner with my friends at ikano. We ate at steamboat for at least 1 and a half hours. Then went to a cafe. We were at the cafe till midnight. At 10.30pm the shopping mall was closed. Luckily we were outside. But our car was inside the building at the car park. We found this corridor with a car park sign. Then we found this couple who were scared to go down this very dark staircase. So, they just followed us. While we were on our way to the car park. My friend shouted(really shouted out loud) that she saw a moving shadow(she thinks that its a ghost. Imaginations). Then my two brothers started crying like babies. Then after 5 minutes, we found the carpark. My brother was so happy, he almost kissed the ground. Then we went home and bla bla bla then we go to sleep and bla bla bla. That was a such a creepy night.
It was something like this.
This is not the corridor.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Yesterday was creepy.
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
*-Cat Diaries- Meet Orange*
Hi! I' m orange and I am the one of the first litter of kittens given birth by my mother, Pinga. I have to transfer to my owner's kampung cause I grew too big for them to take care. Now I'm married and have my own babies. When I was small I always get scolded by my mother cause I always pee at my owner's brother's bed.I like to watch tv.( HE REALLY LIKES IT ).* Sorry! This is the only picture I have*
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 8:14 PM 0 comments
I got new games for my iphone!!!!
Hey people! I downloaded these applictions that were kinda fun. I can show you some of the pictures*The pictures are topsy-turvy, sorry bout that*:
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 12:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Hi....I'm back
Hi! Like I promise, I would make a post of my kampung. Here it is:
In the middle of the road. My Cousin's cake (small isnt it. He's 5)

Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 1:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Bye....for a while
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 6:20 AM 0 comments
Wanna know how to make something from a useless block of wood?
Instead of thowing a wooden piece of block, why not make something else with it. I can show you an idea:

And this single block can make.....

b. A Reindeer and A Sleigh

Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Watch it! It's so damn
Click on one of these links:
Nigahiga Titanic.
Nigahiga The Grudge
Its very funny!!!
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 9:01 PM 2 comments
Happy Chinese New Year

Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 4:48 AM 0 comments
Rubberband war!
In school there was this rubberband war. A guy named Roy or maybe Jet started it. Since one of them hit me with a rubberband I got started with it too. But the thing is that I always get blamed. Good thing our head of disciplin Mr. Chang stopped the war.By the way, why isn' t Annli anwering me!
Annli! Where are you!!
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 3:05 AM 0 comments
*-Cat Diaries-Meet Socky Brown-*
Isn't it cute!! For your information it is not a piece of s***. If anyone tries to make fun...Damn you! And Annli, Jean and Lishen, hope you like it !lol. My other cat gave birth to it along with another 4 cats.
Oh yeah! About the Cat Diary thing...... I'll do it every once in a week.
Posted by Weeee!@blogs. (D) ^u^ at 1:30 AM 0 comments